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What is Brick and it's classification ?


Brick: A brick is an artificial  kind of stone made of clay whose chief characteristics  are a plasticity when wet and stone like hardness after   being heated to high termperatute.

Characteristics of Good Brick:

1. Bricks should be uniform in colour .size and shape.

2. They should be sound and compact.

3 They should be free from cracks and other   flaws         such as air bubbles.stone nodules etc.

4. They should not absorb more then 1/5 of theie own wt of water when immerged in water for 24 hours (15 to 20% dry wt.).

5. The compressive strength of bricks should be in the range of 5.000 to 8.000 psi.

6. The percentage of soluble salts (sulphates of calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium) should not exceed 2.5% in burnt bricks, because the  presence of excess soluble salts causes       efflorescence.

7. They should be neither overburnt or underburnt.

8.They weight should be generally 6 lbs per brick and the weight per cu ft should not be less than 125-lbs.

9.they should have low thermal conductivity as it is desirable than the buildings built of them should be cool in summer and warm in winter.

10.They should be non –lnflammable and incombustible.

Field Tests of Bricks:The following are the test that are generally performed in the field to determine the quality of good bricks:

1.Take a brick and try to make mark on the surface by nil.if you can make it. It is not. a good brick. If not. it is very hard and compact.

2.Take a brick and strike it with a hammer. If it gives  clear ringing or metallic  sound. It is a good brick. if not a bad one.

3 . Take two brick and form a tee (T) and drop from a height of on a more or less solid surface .if they break they are not good bricks. If they remain unbroken . they are good bricks.

Size of Bricks:

StandardMetric (mm)Imperial (inches)
 Australia230 mm × 110 mm × 76 mm9.1 in × 4.3 in × 3.0 in
 Denmark228 × 108 × 549.0 × 4.3 × 2.1
 Germany240 × 115 × 719.4 × 4.5 × 2.8
 India228 × 107 × 699.0 × 4.2 × 2.7
 Romania240 × 115 × 639.4 × 4.5 × 2.5
 Russia250 × 120 × 659.8 × 4.7 × 2.6
 South Africa222 × 106 × 738.7 × 4.2 × 2.9
 Sweden250 × 120 × 629.8 × 4.7 × 2.4
 United Kingdom215 × 102.5 × 658 12 × 4 × 2 12
 United States194 × 92 × 577.6 × 3.6 × 2.2

Classification of Bricks

1.First Class B ricks: They should be of uniform size and colour. thoroughly and evenly burnt. They  should ring clearly when struck. With a hammer or another brick. They should be well shaped with even surfaces and without cracks. rainspots or flaws of any kind. They should not absorb more than one sixth of their weight of water when wet in water for 24 hours.

2.Second Class Bricks: These bricks must possess the hardness and colour of first class bricks but are slightly irregular in shape, size or rough on the surface.

3.Third Class Bricks:These are bricks which are not sufficiently all-burnt sufficiently and of uniform shape and size for use in un- important constructions.

4. First Class Bats:These are broken bricks of the same quality as first and second class brick.

5. Second Class Bats : These are broken bricks of the quality as third class bricks,

6.Picked Jhama  Bricks : These bricks are uniformly vitrified throughout. But must be of good shape. heavy and of  selected quality .They must not be spongy.

7. Jhama Bricks: These are well- burnt bricks but not quite so well shaped as picked jhama bricks. They must not be spongy and must be free from cinders and projecting lumes and of fairly good shape.

8.Jhama Bats: These are broken bricks of the classes picked jhama and jhama bricks.

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